Mark & Joyce's new house - Page 5

June 1st through the 30th

June is here and it's looking closer and closer to being finished.

The stonework is complete, and we have lights in front of the garage. They also poured the main driveway section
today.  6/2/2016

They've been installing the little kitchen accessories, like the spice racks in the two cabinets by the stove.  6/2/2016

And the countertops are installed now. 6/2/2016

Joyce picked this one because of all the flecks of copper in it.  6/2/2016

Small changes on the exterior. They framed up the forms for the front stairs. And the driveway has cured a bit. 06/10/16

A closer look at the forms. The decorative front door is in the basement and will be one of the last things installed. 06/10/16

They've started hanging the garage doors. Two in, but unfinished. The third is still in the box.  06/15/16

The concrete is poured for the stairs to the front door.  06/15/16

This is the rear garage door. They used wall mounted openers due to the high lift on these.  06/15/16

Here is the kitchen almost finished. Complete with a bit of a glare from the sun. 06/15/16

The wavy looking tiles in the accent strip are about the color of a new penny. Joyce got those to compliment
the copper flecks in the countertop. We've also ordered some copper color faceplates for the outlets and switches.

This is a picture of someone else's pantry. i found it on the Internet one day when Joyce asked
about pot lid storage. It seems like they take up a lot of room, or get piled up and make it
difficult to get the right one out. I saw this picture and really liked the general idea. So did

So, here is pot lid layout version 1.0. We decided that sticking to a 2 ft x 4 ft piece of plywood crowded things a bit
much. So, watch this space for version 2.0 in the next few weeks.  6/18/16

Appliances are in. Here is the dishwasher.  06/22/16

And the stove and microwave/range hood.  06/22/16

They called us to look at the front door today. We had special ordered a wood look fiberglass door
which should look nice, while handling the sun and weather better than real wood. We had requested
an oak color stain, but got this. We were unhappy. I also didn't like the actual quality of the stain job.
They're going to make the paint contractor re-do it. He had one of
his people do this, and I suspect that it didn't help that english was his second language.  06/30/16

Here is what the door should have looked like. The lighting makes it look just a bit lighter in color, and a bit more
yellow, but overall it should be quite a bit lighter than ours. This is a sample door of the same model over at the
lumberyard that the contractor uses.

it's the end of June and we still need about a dozen things done. The door issue above is the most serious. The rest amounts
to just finishing up some things. Hang a couple of mirrors, install the handrail on the basement stairs, and things like that.
We skipped a full deck in the rear as we plan to do a sun room in the future. So, they are finishing up some basic stairs with
small concrete landings for those.

They are estimating just after July 1st for us to close and take possession.

More to come!

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Last modified 7/3/2016