Automotive Events Schedule - 2004
West Jordan, Utah

This is my private list of automotive events for the year. We obviously won't be attending all of these. This is just a list of the events we're considering taking our DeLorean to. Unfortunately there is a lot of overlap so a lot of these will be tossed from our personal schedule. This just lets me remember all of them. - Mark & Joyce Noeltner


April 10: BMCU Tinker Day
April 8: Magna Artic Circle Cruise Night (2nd Thursday)
April 22: Riverton Artic Circle Cruise Night (4th Thursday alternating with Draper)
April 25: BMCU Poker Run - Sunday event


May 2: Malad Classic Car Show & Poker Run
May 8: BMCU Antelope Island Run
May 8: All Automotive Swap Meet - Utah State Fairgrounds. Opens at 7am
May 13: Magna Artic Circle Cruise Night (2nd Thursday)
May 22: UVSC Orem - Auto Expo car show and swap meet
May 27: Draper Artic Circle Cruise Night (4th Thursday alternating with Riverton)
May 29-31: BMCU Memorial Day Run to Vernal


June 5: British Field Day car show at Pioneer Park
June 12: Utah Scottish Festival
June 19: BMCU Run to Fairview


July 1-3: Cache Valley Cruise-in - Logan
July 3: Annual 4th of July Car Show by Tooele Valley Rotary Club: Grantsville City park (nice show, but a smaller one)

More British Motor Club of Utah (BMCU) events at:

Last updated 04/06/2004